field reports

Ronald Davis in the Dominican Republic thumbnail

U.S. Marshals Service Director Caught On Caribbean Trip

Our investigation found that the director of the U.S. Marshals spent his final weeks on a taxpayer-funded trip to the Caribbean


Dead man with a bullet to the head in Sonora, Mexico

Investigating Cartel Killings Across the US Border

We discovered numerous murder victims and evidence of Santa Muerte worship while exploring Mexican cartel territrory

A young boy working in Times Square

Young Children Working Full Time In Times Square

We spoke to some of the small children working on Times Square and heard their stories.

Anthony Rubin in front of an abandoned house

Biden Administration Sending Children to Houses Now Abandoned

Muckraker has obtained a list of addresses where some of the 85,000 missing alien children have been delivered under the Biden administration.

A Chinese man in Colombia with his pointer finger in the air

Chinese Alien Headed to the United States Warns of Chinese Spies in the United States and More

Exclusive Interview: Chinese Alien on Route to the U.S. Warns Of Chinese Spies In the United States As Well As China Stealing Technology

Joshua Rubin interviewing asking a man in Miami what the first Amendment is

Nobody Knows What the First Amendment Is | CAMERA ALMOST ROBBED

Muckraker took to the streets of Wynwood, Miami, to ask a few simple questions about the United States. The answers may shock you!

A photo of contractors moving minors through Harlingen airport at 3 a.m.

Contractors Caught Moving Minors Through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m.

We confronted federal contractors escorting minors through Valley International Airport. They tried to block our camera and told us "Welcome to America."

Anthony Rubin in front of a Colombian hotel which is frequented by U.S. bound Chinese nationals

Military-Aged Chinese Staging At Colombian Hotel

In Pasto, Colombia, Muckraker found a hotel packed to the brim with military-aged Chinese nationals who were headed to the United States.

A truckload full of men who just crossed the Darién Gap in Panama

A Truckload of Military-Aged Men Headed Towards The United States

Muckraker filmed a truckload of US-bound military-aged men from China, the Middle East, and South Asia who are headed to the United States.

A caravan of illegal aliens chanting for Biden in Southern Mexico

Caravan of Military-Aged Men Chant "BIDEN!"

Crowd of military-aged men in a massive US-bound caravan chant "BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN!"

Military-aged Syrian men walking into San Vicente refugee camp in Panama

Military-Aged Syrian Men Headed to The United States

Muckraker films a suspicious group of military aged Syrian men headed towards the United States.

A bridge connecting Mexico and the United States that is used by the Cartel to smuggle humans

Cartel Builds a Bridge into the United States

Muckraker discovered a bridge built by the cartel used to smuggle thousands of illegal aliens into the United States

An illegal alien bush hut in Southern California

Illegal Alien Bush Hut Villages Found in Southern California

Muckraker discovers illegal alien bush hut villages in the Southern California desert.

A photo of military aged Chinese men lined up in San Vicente refugee camp in Panama

Military-aged Chinese Males Headed to the United States Illegally

Muckraker films hundreds of military-aged Chinese men headed towards the U.S. illegally

A photo of a cell phone that is displaying a Chinese TikTok video

Chinese TikTok Highlights the Decline of America

The search results for the USA on the Chinese TikTok app highlight the decline of America.

Dead man with a bullet to the head in Sonora, Mexico

Investigating Cartel Killings Across the US Border

We discovered numerous murder victims and evidence of Santa Muerte worship while exploring Mexican cartel territrory

A young boy working in Times Square

Young Children Working Full Time In Times Square

We spoke to some of the small children working on Times Square and heard their stories.

Anthony Rubin in front of an abandoned house

Biden Administration Sending Children to Houses Now Abandoned

Muckraker has obtained a list of addresses where some of the 85,000 missing alien children have been delivered under the Biden administration.

A Chinese man in Colombia with his pointer finger in the air

Chinese Alien Headed to the United States Warns of Chinese Spies in the United States and More

Exclusive Interview: Chinese Alien on Route to the U.S. Warns Of Chinese Spies In the United States As Well As China Stealing Technology

Joshua Rubin interviewing asking a man in Miami what the first Amendment is

Nobody Knows What the First Amendment Is | CAMERA ALMOST ROBBED

Muckraker took to the streets of Wynwood, Miami, to ask a few simple questions about the United States. The answers may shock you!

A photo of contractors moving minors through Harlingen airport at 3 a.m.

Contractors Caught Moving Minors Through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m.

We confronted federal contractors escorting minors through Valley International Airport. They tried to block our camera and told us "Welcome to America."

Anthony Rubin in front of a Colombian hotel which is frequented by U.S. bound Chinese nationals

Military-Aged Chinese Staging At Colombian Hotel

In Pasto, Colombia, Muckraker found a hotel packed to the brim with military-aged Chinese nationals who were headed to the United States.

A truckload full of men who just crossed the Darién Gap in Panama

A Truckload of Military-Aged Men Headed Towards The United States

Muckraker filmed a truckload of US-bound military-aged men from China, the Middle East, and South Asia who are headed to the United States.

A caravan of illegal aliens chanting for Biden in Southern Mexico

Caravan of Military-Aged Men Chant "BIDEN!"

Crowd of military-aged men in a massive US-bound caravan chant "BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN!"

Military-aged Syrian men walking into San Vicente refugee camp in Panama

Military-Aged Syrian Men Headed to The United States

Muckraker films a suspicious group of military aged Syrian men headed towards the United States.

A bridge connecting Mexico and the United States that is used by the Cartel to smuggle humans

Cartel Builds a Bridge into the United States

Muckraker discovered a bridge built by the cartel used to smuggle thousands of illegal aliens into the United States

An illegal alien bush hut in Southern California

Illegal Alien Bush Hut Villages Found in Southern California

Muckraker discovers illegal alien bush hut villages in the Southern California desert.

A photo of military aged Chinese men lined up in San Vicente refugee camp in Panama

Military-aged Chinese Males Headed to the United States Illegally

Muckraker films hundreds of military-aged Chinese men headed towards the U.S. illegally

A photo of a cell phone that is displaying a Chinese TikTok video

Chinese TikTok Highlights the Decline of America

The search results for the USA on the Chinese TikTok app highlight the decline of America.

  • This operation is not cheap. Between lawyers, hotels, plane tickets, research time, and more, the costs add up quickly.
  • Every dollar helps.
  • We thank you in advance.



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