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A young boy working in Times Square

Young Children Working Full Time In Times Square

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A young boy working in Times Square

As you read this, small illegal alien children are being put to work full-time in Times Square.

We spoke to some child workers and heard their stories.

One told us that he witnessed a child being kidnapped from Times Square in broad daylight. Another shared his experience of seeing children drown while crossing the Darién Gap en route to the United States and expressed his desire to return home to Ecuador.

The Biden Administration and the United Nations have encouraged hundreds of thousands of children to risk their lives trekking to the United States. This is the fate that awaits many once they arrive.

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azangel08 Sept. 27, 2024, 5:36 p.m.

UN idiots and complicit “Bye-Done, Commie-Kam” regime allowing the destruction of a humane world under the guise of “sustainable development”! I Am Disgusted! Prayers for the children and, even for the darkened souls putting them in harms way! Our tax dollars to the corrupt UN need to be stopped along with ngo fake “foundations” facilitating the children’s “disappearance” and abuse!

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  • We thank you in advance.

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