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"Figure 4-1: Regionalization of the World System" from Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome (p38)

"Figure 4-1: Regionalization of the World System" from Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome (p38)

Deadline 2025? The Club of Rome's Sinister Plans For Planet Earth

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"Figure 4-1: Regionalization of the World System" from Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome (p38)

Recently, graphics from a 1974 report to the Club of Rome called Mankind at the Turning Point have been widely circulated in connection to Trump’s recently announced plans to expand US territory. These graphics, which show the world carved up into ten political and economic regions (including an apparent merger between the US and Canada) have led some to believe that Trump’s expansionist policies are actually part of a NWO-style scheme to carve the world into ten political and economic regions.

We took a deeper dive into the agendas of the Club of Rome, and found critical information for anyone concerned with national sovereignty, human dignity, and the future of our species.

A 1973 meeting of the Club of Rome

A 1973 meeting of the Club of Rome

Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F041173-0013 / Reineke, Engelbert / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons

The Club of Rome – Background

The Club of Rome, founded in 1968 by Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, has been described as the think tank behind the New World Order. Under a thin veneer of altruism and environmentalism, the Club of Rome has been pushing agendas of social engineering, economic authoritarianism, and population control since its inception.

Dr. John Coleman, former MI6 intelligence officer and author of The Club of Rome, claims that Club of Rome was founded at the behest of the Black Nobility of Europe via the Committee of 300 – a group with extravagant wealth and deep connections to occult secret societies. Coleman writes:

The Club of Rome consists of the oldest members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe, descendants of the ancient families, who owned, controlled and ran Genoa and Venice in the 12th century. They are called "Black Nobility" because of their use of dirty tricks, murder, terrorism, unethical behavior, and worship of Satan – "black" deeds. They never hesitated to use force against anyone who dared to stand in their way, and this is no less true today than it was during the 13th to the 18th Centuries. The Venetian Black Nobility is closely allied with the so-called German Marshall Fund, another name - like the Club of Rome — chosen to deceive the unwary. The Venetian Black Nobility consists of the richest and most ancient of all European families, their wealth far surpassing that of the Rockefellers, for instance, and they are part of the Committee of 300, the most powerful controlling body in the world. One of the oldest of the Venetian Black Nobility dynasties is the Guelph dynasty. Queen Elizabeth II, for instance, is a Black Guelph - her great grandmother Victoria descended from that family. The Black Nobility and European royalty are prominent members of the The Club of Rome, which has as its objective, the dissolution of the United States as an industrial and agricultural power. (p14-15)

In an interview with Michael Hoggar, Calin Georgescu, former President of the European Research Center for the Club of Rome turned whistleblower, claimed that the elite oligarchs associated with the Club of Rome and associated NGOs “are related to the system of pedophilia” linked to the disappearance of over 8 million children a year.

To this day, the Club of Rome remains embedded in the workings of the UN and international elite NGOs, with prominent members participating in the Earth4All Initiative (2022), Reframing Economics Impact Hub (2023), and policy making for the European Green Deal (2024). The “environmentalist” agendas of the Club of Rome have even found an audience in the Vatican.

Reviewing the Literature of the Club of Rome

In The Chasm Ahead (1969), Club of Rome co-founder Aurelio Peccei describes three “solutions” to overpopulation:

I will cite three ghastly solutions that are ventilated as belonging to the realm of the possible. One is biological: nature, which maintains so many balances, will see to it that human incontinence will be remedied, through some new germ or virus. Another is constrictive and prophylactic: the day may not be far off when – by grafting of population from one region to another, forced exodus, or mass sterilization, or with the help of other clean methods biochemistry might suggest – a ceiling on population or new births will be enforced, in some nations by due process of law, in others perhaps by international measures. And the third, the harshest, is hinted at in a most pessimistic essay by Professor J.D. Bernal (Enormity or Logic and Hypocrisy in the Ultimate Solution, October 1967) – “there is no limit to human folly and callousness” – in the sense that all will end, as the only compassionate and rational solution left, with the elimination of all surplus humans, who will of course belong to the poor of the world. (p174)

A photo of Aurelio Peccei

Club of Rome co-founder Aurelio Peccei

Koen Suyk / Anefo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The book lays out an initiative called Project 1969, a “broad feasibility study…to be undertaken by the most advanced countries, using objective and scientific methods” to address “macroproblems” of population growth, environmental destruction, and economic inequality on a global scale (p3). The social engineering policies advocated therein anticipate the agenda laid out in The Limits for Growth (1972).

To expand upon the foundational framework of Peccei, the Club of Rome commissioned The Limits to Growth by Dennis Meadows et al, which called for the global implementation of policies promoting an “equilibrium state” of population growth, at which the birth rate equals the death rate and the capital investment rate equals the capital depreciation rate. The authors call for “trading certain human freedoms, such as producing unlimited numbers of children or consuming uncontrolled amounts of resources.” (p179-180)

Written in 1972, the book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome by Mihaljo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel is another work of globalist central planning that seeks to strategically limit population growth and economic growth. Premised on the conclusions of the infamous Limits to Growth report (1972), the text lays out a general proposal for “a comprehensive global planning tool” to address these issues by coordinating economic development on a global basis, restricting use of natural resources, limiting fertility rates, and using foreign aid from the developed world to steer the growth of developing nations in a “sustainable” direction.

Based on Malthusian theories and environmentalist fatalism, the central claim of Mesarovic and Pestel is that “The World Has Cancer and the Cancer Is Man.” (p1) While the work does not explicitly call for depopulation (this would be too blunt, perhaps), it states that “failure to develop a master plan which will allow mankind to progress into organic development would make ‘surgical measures’ to control cancerous growth inevitable.” (p144) The so-called “surgical measures” are conveniently never specified, but there seems to be a veiled threat behind the language.

The work ominously specifies 2025 as a key year for the implementation of these plans, citing the year nearly 40 times as a crucial benchmark for the so-called “master plan.” A chart from the report projects that an “equilibrium policy initiated in 1975” will flatline the North American global population share by the early 21st century (p193). A key feature of these plans is the so-called “Tinbergen Target” (p58), which seeks to place a cap on income disparities at a 5:1 ratio between the richest and poorest people.

As we mentioned at the start of this article, graphics from Mankind at the Turning Point showing a political/economic reorganization of the planet into ten separate regions (p38, 161-64) have recently resurfaced on the internet, with many drawing connections to Trump’s plans to acquire Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal. This connection is worth considering. However, despite the superficial resemblance between Trump’s plan and the North American region in the figures above, it should be noted that Trump advocates for directly the opposite of the goals adopted by the Club of Rome report on every major point. First, his plan to expand American territory is hardly the soft regional cooperation envisioned by Mesarovic and Pestel, but quasi-imperial ambition on the basis of strong nationalistic values. Second, Trump has taken a squarely anti-environmentalist stance on natural resources. Third, he is one of the strongest opponents of foreign aid and US subsidies for other nations, and has been vocal on financially extricating the US from international organizations. These differences notwithstanding, however, the timing is very eerie. Trump’s plan may play, intentionally or not, into more sinister plans for global control.

In a 1973 Thames Television documentary on the Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth author Dennis Meadows asserted that "you only have the right to have 2 children.” (More recently, in a 2016 interview, Meadows stated that the population of Earth must be reduced by some means to one or two billion people.)

A photo of Dennis Meadows

Club of Rome author Dennis Meadows

Bernd Schwabe in Hannover, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In the same documentary, Club of Rome co-founder Alexander King claimed that future generations must be raised in a world where global consciousness supersedes traditional values and cultural identities, stating that:

It’s important that everyone should have a concept of the world as a whole and should avoid as far as possible bringing up their children in any sense of local patriotism, nationalism and parochialism.

In his book The First Global Revolution (1991), Alexander King states:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. (p115)

A photo of Alexander King

Club of Rome co-founder Alexander King

Rob Croes for Anefo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

King’s language suggests that the myriad environmental crises cited above – all familiar focal points in the push for central planning of the world economy and restriction of economic liberties – are likely contrived ad hoc by the global elite to justify a crackdown on human liberty.


Reflecting upon the outsized influence of the Club of Rome in the steering of global policies on economic and population growth, Thomas Sowell writes that the Club of Rome:

Sought [...] collective coercive powers now to head off some impending catastrophe…This call for super-socialism on a global scale used the shopworn arguments that the alternative to "a rational and enduring state of equilibrium by planned measures" was leaving things to "chance or catastrophe." [The Limits to Growth] report warned: "A decision to do nothing is a decision to increase the risk of collapse."' This neat dichotomy between collective decision making and doing "nothing" circumvents the very possibility of systemic adjustments through the ordinary functioning of prices and other social forces, such as were in fact reducing the birth rate around the world even as this alarum was being sounded…Like most prophecies of doom, the Club of Rome report had an agenda and a vision — the vision of an anointed elite urgently needed to control the otherwise fatal defects of lesser human beings. (p174)

In other words, the Club of Rome is following to a fine point the problem-reaction-solution dialectic so widely practiced by the global elite. While many of the predictions of the Club of Rome from the 20th century may be dated, the spirit of their ideology persists to this day in a form far stronger than when it was first conceived. The population control agenda is alive and well in the anti-family agendas pushed by the media and the twisted alliance between world governments, elite NGOs, and the vaccination industry; and the push to limit economic growth and private property is nowhere better encapsulated than in the maxims of Klaus Schwab and the talking heads of the World Economic Forum. It will take great willpower, prudence, ingenuity, and insistence on the dignity of the human spirit to defeat these agendas, but this work must be done.

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