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A collage of six different migration route maps by various organizations

Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

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A collage of six different migration route maps by various organizations

Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the U.S. border.

These maps are hardly reported on by the mainstream media since illegal aliens usually lose the maps along their way.

We were able to obtain these blueprints by directly visiting numerous NGOs along the mass migration route through South and Central America.

The collapse of the U.S. southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program.

MAP #1 - Distributed by the NGO Amigos Del Tren (Friends Of The Train in English).

This NGO aids illegal aliens in riding the "Train of Death", (also known as "La Bestia"), a freight train that U.S.-bound illegal aliens ride on top of to reach the U.S. border.

The front shows the train routes across the country of Mexico.

The back lists numerous hostels that can be found along the train routes and also shows the distances between Mexican cities.

A train route map by Amigos Del Tren

Amigos Del Tren Map Front by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

A list of shelters in Mexico on the back of a map by Amigos Del Tren

Amigos Del Tren Map Back by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

MAP #2 - Distributed by the Red Cross.

The front shows the freight train routes across Mexico (similar to the Amigos Del Tren map) and lists 80 different stops from Panama to the United States.

The back gives advice on navigating the mass migration trail. One piece of advice given is how to safely ride a freight train. It is advised to avoid riding a freight train if ". . . you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that can make you drowsy."

A Red Cross migration route map

Red Cross Map Front by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

A Red Cross migration instruction manual

Red Cross Map Back by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

A photo of illegal aliens holding a Red Cross map at a refugee camp in the Darién Gap

Illegal Aliens Hold Red Cross Map by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

MAP #3 - Distributed by The United Nations International Organization of Migration (IOM).

It shows various commissions and consulates across the country of Mexico.

A map of consulates in Mexico by the IOM

IOM Consulate Map by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

MAP #4 - Distributed by Doctors Without Borders (Médicos Sin Fronteras in Spanish).

The front shows the routes from Panama to Mexico.

The back shows the routes across Mexico to the United States.

The front of a migration route map by Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders Map Front by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The back of a migration route map by Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders Map Back by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

MAP #5 - Distributed by R4V (Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela).

The front shows the "migration routes" across the country of Ecuador.

The back shows the distance and transit times between Ecuadorian cities.

The front of a migration routes map of Ecuador provided by R4V

R4V Ecuador Map Front by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The back of a migration routes map of Ecuador provided by R4V

R4V Ecuador Map Back by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

These maps are distributed by NGOs across the country of Ecuador and are also openly displayed in public areas such bus terminals.

A photo of a migration routes map of Ecuador at a bus stop in Tulcan

Ecuador Migration Route Map at Bus Stop by Muckraker CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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