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A photo of contractors moving minors through Harlingen airport at 3 a.m.

Contractors Caught Moving Minors Through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m.

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A photo of contractors moving minors through Harlingen airport at 3 a.m.

We confronted federal contractors escorting minors through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m. They tried to block our camera and told us "Welcome to America."

A nearby border patrol agent smiled at us and said "It happens every day . . . it's America."

Every day, contractors escort infants, children, and minors from federal holding facilities to "sponsors" across America.

Many of these sponsors are human traffickers. According to the New York Times, under the Biden administration, roughly one third of these children have gone missing. Many of these children end up in debt bondage, working in slave-like conditions in factories or on farms.

For more information about this federal trafficking pipeline, watch our full exposé in the thread below.

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guityt March 25, 2024, 8:35 p.m.

Guess everyone forgot about CA Sen Leland Yee, who got arrested for gun trafficking with "Shrimp Boy" in San Francisco. I believe it was The Chronicle that quoted Yee as saying Willie Brown Jr and Gavin Newsom were his partners, and they were also human trafficking and narcotics trafficking too. Crickets. I also heard, don't know if it's true :D, that the SFPD officer that shot the unarmed man in his home, was using drugs and sleeping with the SFPD Asst. Chief Godown. She was cleared and promoted. If people want to hear more about San Francisco, the PD, etc, let me know. Has anyone heard Gov Newsom ditched his security detail to actively participate in the Folsom St. Fair? That his security, Off. Franco Fleming stated Newsom had sex with minor Yes, I am saying SFPD looked the other way for child trafficking.

walter Feb. 9, 2024, 8:40 p.m.

These people are cowards and know full well what they are doing, some of them don't want to know. They have giant factories that blucher these kids like a factory cattle farm. I may have accidently remoted into one of these facilities hidden in the mountains somewhere. What I saw was horrifying, stainless steel chairs on a conveyer system with open backs so that machines can harvest their organs. This was on a scale of commercial proportions. I don't want to see or hear that again it was so horrifying. The sounds of the screams from hell are the worst. No one will save them.

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