Chinese Alien Headed to the United States Warns of Chinese Spies in the United States and More

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In Necoclí, Colombia, we interviewed a Chinese alien on his way to the United States. He told us that there are absolutely Chinese spies in the United States who are working to steal technology in the semiconductor and military fields. He also told us that China mocks the United States for promoting homosexuality.

Muckraker also released a critial report extensivley exposing China's infiltration of the United States. This piece meticulously outlines how an influx of military-aged Chinese males into the United States could be part of a larger strategy to destroy America.

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james5 April 11, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

On jrsse watters last night(10 April 2024) Anthony mentioned a website that the illegals uses. Can someone post that site address?

theduke April 11, 2024, 1:44 a.m.

I am worried about CCP migrants setting up bot platforms here in U.S. safe houses to infiltrate social media platforms where they can set up fake American looking accounts (American isp addresses) to spread misinformation on targeted platforms to cause discord and possibly shut down these compromised networks. It’s right in line with their use of psychological propaganda to control media and thereby the message. Am I right or wrong!? Sincerely The Duke

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