Why The Boom Mic Debacle Represents a Grave National Security Threat

The fact that a reporter could touch the President in the face with a microphone represents a serious national security threat that must be addressed

By: Anthony Rubin


Donald Trump standing in front of the press

A WORLD REGIME: Inside the Agenda of the “Philosopher of the United Nations”

This article discusses the ideology of former UN Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller

A photo of former consulate lawyer Mayra De La Torre

Mexican Consulate of Tucson, Arizona is Coaching Illegal Aliens Through a Radical Left NGO

We have obtained footage of a former Mexican consulate lawyer coaching illegal aliens on how to lie to law enforcement and fraudulently seek asylum.

Ronald Davis in the Dominican Republic thumbnail

U.S. Marshals Service Director Caught On Caribbean Trip

Our investigation found that the director of the U.S. Marshals spent his final weeks on a taxpayer-funded trip to the Caribbean

"Figure 4-1: Regionalization of the World System" from Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome (p38)

Deadline 2025? The Club of Rome's Sinister Plans For Planet Earth

In response to the recent circulation of graphics from a Club of Rome report on social media, Muckraker investigates the history and literature of the group.

Santa Muerte Temple in Sonora, Mexico

A Death Cult on the Southern Border

Following Muckraker's investigations in Sonora Mexico, we take a close look at the history of violent incidents connected to the Santa Muerte cult.

A diagram explaining the process of obtaining an H-1B visa

THE GREAT MAGA H-1B FLIP-FLOP – The Corporate Elites' Push to Replace American Workers

Muckraker responds to Elon Musk, Sriram Krishnan, David Sacks and others calling for increases on foreign tech labor via H-1B Visas

Anthony Rubin and Jesse Watters discuss illegal alien foster children

Muckraker Joins Jesse Watters to Discuss Illegal Alien Foster Homes

Muckraker joined Jesse Watters on Primetime to discuss our bombshell report exposing the illegal alien foster home system

Ben Shapiro interviewing Anthony Rubin

Muckraker Joins Ben Shapiro To Discuss Illegal Alien Compounds And More

Muckraker joins Ben Shapiro to discuss New York's illegal alien compounds, the mass migration route from Quito, Ecuador to the United States, and more!

Alex Jones interviewing Anthony Rubin about New York's illegal alien compounds

Muckraker Joins Alex Jones To Discuss Illegal Alien Compounds And More

Muckraker and Alex Jones discuss Muckraker's latest report exposing illegal alien compounds in New York.

Anthony Rubin and Jesse Watter discuss the illegal alien invasion route

Muckraker joins Jesse Watters on Primetime

Muckraker founder Anthony Rubin joined Jesse Watters to discuss Muckrakers's ground breaking documentary.

Muckraker and Stew Peters discuss child smuggling

Muckraker Joins Stew Peters To Discuss Child Trafficking and More

Muckraker joined Stew Peters to discuss our latest bombshell report that exposed men escorting adolescents through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m.

Anthony Rubin holding a UNHCR map while being interviewed by Mike Adams

Muckraker Joins Mike Adams to Discuss the Border Invasion

Muckraker and Mike Adams discuss the southern border, including surface-to-air missiles and dirty bomb suicide vests that are being smuggled into the U.S.

Muckraker Clothing Merchandise
Support The Operation

Founded in 2021 by Anthony Rubin, Muckraker is a multimedia journalism operation hell bent on a single goal: to save the American Republic.

In the spirit of the original muckrakers, journalists dedicated to documenting the squalid and dangerous conditions of America’s underbelly and exposing the corruption behind them, some of our earliest work focused on documenting conditions on the streets of some of America’s most dangerous and impoverished communities.

Our mission has only expanded since then.

The Muckraker project has since grown from a one-man operation into a tightly knit team of journalists and researchers dedicated to ferreting out the many root causes behind American decline. With boots on the ground and heels firmly dug in, we join ranks with all patriotic Americans who stand in opposition to the deadly plagues of grift, corruption, social engineering, and authoritarianism that beset our great nation. Knowing that the window for action is short, we espouse a philosophy that is at once non-partisan, pro-American, and unapologetically revolutionary. In the face of devilish conspiracies from the deep state and its elite cabals, we call for all lovers of freedom and fatherland to stand with us against the ever-encroaching specters of tyranny and globalism that threaten to undermine our national sovereignty and the future of generations to come.